I had so much fun sending this pic to some of the people who were online.
Theo: "if they're hot, what am i??"
Gen: "I bet when he grows up tons of girls will chase after him."
Ame: "SO CUTE, i like the one on the right."
Larissa: "OMG tessa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are just, i'm speechless. ttyl."
Eunice: "Omg are they twins ^o^"
Aaron: "woahhh i'm not straight already sia."
Joanne: "omg so cute and hot. and english!"
(they're french!!! hahaha)Brandon: "lol the one on the right appeals more to me."
Sis's friends commented about them hotstuffz too and whoo everyone likes the one on the right, who has pretty cool hair. I second, third, fourth, fifth, fiftieth that, yummy :) The one on the left looks kinda, neat and tidy. And prince-like nyehhhh. BAW-RINGGGGGG.

You can't really see his face from here, but damn was he good-looking! He was talking to someone on the phone, probably his girlf' :'(

Eiffel Tower

Cutesy lil' pooch, huge @$$!!!

Everywhere you look, you see graffiti. And this one was pretty cool.

Monte-Carlo (french riviera) You will never believe how many maseratis' and lambos' i saw over there. Those people living along the riviera are just sick all over.

Yum, i want a Vespa too. SO cool.

This reminded me of Sabrina and the Teenage Witch, the animated version. Hurhur.


No picture taking, you say? Yeah right, with your back facing everyone, who wouldnt take a picture despite the obvious sign on your easel...... gee. She was copying that piece of artwork there. It's the announciation of Mother Mary pregnent with baby Jesus.

I would ttly go for this if I was just allowed a month and a half more. God, will you look at the artistes attending the Sziget Festival?!?! Ooooooomg. Held in Budapest, Hungary -widens eyes-

This would work out fine too???????????? AAAAAAH i dislike singapore sometimes.

See how much they BLEND IN? Hehaho.

How darling!

BOYCOTT ISRAEL? Mhm yeah Daddy told me the story, but i kinda forgot what it was.

Red Indians! They play lovely music, seriously...... Mommy bought their cd hahaha. And she listened to it this afternoon and got bored with it -_-

Sorry about the reflection!!! Anw, the mannequin is dressed in Lanvin all over, and her ride is made out of scrap material. What creativity.

Har de har, this is so cute. (sorry about the reflection, again)

HAPPY DADDY'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"What's On A Man's Mind?" Big sis's poster she got near Sacre Coeur.

FOR REAL? OMG. That was my reaction. I mean, a 300000 euro fine and 3 years imprisonment??? That's just mean. And here in Singapore, I see people carrying fake Guccis' and LVs' so frequently along Orchard Road. Imagine if this law was imposed on Singaporeans, quarter/half of the total population will be put behind bars and fined 600000 bux??? Insane.
While on the plane, I watched Changeling, Confessions of a Shopaholic, The Pink Panther 2, Marley&Me and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Slept for a bit.
Arrived in Paree and...
the days are so much longer. The sun starts to set at only 9.30pm, and shops close at 7pm. Trust when I say the shop owners are slackers. Many thought we were japanese and when they heard us speaking in English, i swear they were caught off guard. Yeah yeah whatever, asians can speak English!! BIG DEAL. Lotsa graffiti everywhere. Lotsa beggars everywhere. Homeless with dogs, teenage mothers, mothers whose husbands have passed on and her kid has cancer. It's really quite disturbing to know there're still such cases around..........sigh.
1306 - Visited the Eiffel Tower(went right to the top) on big sis's bday and celebrated for her during dinner. Met a lil' boy w beautiful eyes called Andreas. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAIL KIRSTEN, best sister eva :DDD
1406 - 5 hr train ride to Nice, the French Riviera is breathtaking. Got a nice pair of hiphop-ish kinda pants from an italian brand at the Christian Audigier boutique. Dinner.
1506 - Flea market in the morning, got myself a vintage bag and some rlly old records. Lunch. Cabbed down to Monaco-Monte Carlo, saw Prince Albert of Monaco and a movie in the making(spotted a super hot actor yum), went into Prince Albert's palace. Modern on the outside, traditional on the inside. Visited a cathedral(forgot it's name). Cabbed back. Dinner. Explored the narrow lanes of Massena, Nice, had ice cream at Fenocchio. 100 flavours in total :O
1606 - Walked along the beach, children playing, parents chatting up & teens hoping for a rich golden tan. Lunch. Went shopping at the square and at the boutiques near our hotel. Headed back early to pack and all.
1706 - 5 hr train ride back to Paris, met two 4 year old girls called Lucy(blonde with blue-grey eyes) and Leia(brunette with brown eyes). They're cousins and the conversation between them and my mother was -_- really cute? Hahaha. Aft arriving, checked into the hotel and went to Sacre Coeur, it's a cathedral with the most amazing structure and lotsa attention to details. Mass was ongoing. I got a poster of Audrey Hepburn on it and sis got an "What's on a man's mind?" poster, haha will post up a pic of it. Dinner at Artists' Street(something like that), and the waiter was heck retarded, he told my parents he was a gigolo, omg.
1806 -Disneyland/Walt Disney Studios!!!!!! And a whole lot of shopping after(love my purchases :D), felt super good. Best day of the whole trip hahaha. So we went to both parks :) Surprisingly, the rides at Disneyland were far more thrilling than the ones in the studio. I like the castle a lot and a lot. But The Hollywood Tower of Terror + Rock 'n' Rollercoaster starring Aerosmith at the studios were freakin' awesome. Sis and I went for the latter thrice. The Q was really short, weirdddddd. The former just made my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, it was so crazy. We did not have lunch on this day cause we were too caught up hahaha.
1906 - Today we were "artsy-fartsy". THE LOURVE!!! Hm. It's not as wow as i thought it'd be. The painting of Mona Lisa was like, 50cm in height? Or a lil' longer, but yeah, it wasn't big. Only managed to go to 2 galleries, D(smth) and Sully. The museum IS very big, and no one can actually tour it in one day, according to the security personnel. The Grand Sphinx was way cool though. Yknow the one from Egypt??? Uh-huh, that one. Then, to the Picasso Museum. We took ages to find it cause people gave us the wrong directions. Left right straight right straight left straight, omg pissed me off cause my legs were giving me hell. I think Picasso's works of arts are ah-maaaaazing and rather eccentric. There was a gallery which featured art works that were presented to Picasso and Henri Matisse's art work isn't THAT fantastic................? Went to Galeries Lafayette(kinda like Tangs but way better), and H&M!!!!! Anyone who goes into H&M will definitely enjoy every minute of it you're in there. SPREE WAS SUPER DUPER DUPER SUPER. Dinner.
2006 - Visited the Versailles Palace where the Treaty of Versailles was signed at(DOH). There is a particular ancient organization(really huge group) that meet up annually. Some lady translated what the security guard told her into English, and whoooo we were lucky enough to witness the group walk into the palace on the 19th of June at 10am. Same time, same place, same day, every year, they come together for a special event. Lunch. Headed to Notre-Dame. Spectacularrrrrr. It's like over 800 years old and it's still surviving. Wonder how the architects/builders at that time managed to built a structure so sturdy and i think it's shock-proof even??? I didn't get to see any gypsies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dinner.
2106 - HAPPY DADDY'S DAY!!! (L) Arc De Triomphe, Champs-Elysee(shom-zer-lee-zaye), Chinatown. Champs-Elysee is France's version of Paragon, shopped there too, but most of the shops were closed, as they always are on Sundays. Who in the right mind would open their boutiques during the weekdays when everyone is at work/school? But it's kinda true, on Sundays, there's hardly anyone on the streets. Everyone just wants to relax at home hm.... Whoo life's great anyway hahaha (except that there's school). Went to Laduree for macarons! Frik it's damn good i want more -whines- The Arc De Triomphe is aligned with the Grande Arc which is near to my hotel at La Defense. About 5km or so away from each other. Celebrated Daddy's Day over dinner and the food was tres good, no shit.
2206 - Finally, a mall, near to our hotel. Hahaha yeah we didn't see a single mall until today. Shopped some more for a bit and had a quick lunch before going back to the hotel to collect our bagagerie(french for baggage) and head to the Charles De Galle aeroport hmpf :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
HATE TO BE BACK IN SINGAPORE. The homework is just, overwhelming. And i cannot take it. Plus, i do not enjoy the feeling of being jetlagged, KILL ME ALREADY.
Fav artistes as of today till whenever: BASSHUNTER(you'll like his works too!!! he even has a song called "Dota", in relation to the online game) & DAVID GUETTA(learnt of this very talented DEEJAY while I was in Paris!!! yes, he's French but sadly, he isn't very good-looking, ohwell who cares)